Thomas Horne (Hrsg.);
Robotham, John (Hrsg.)
Janua linguarum reserata
Sive, omnium scientiarum & linguarum seminarium: Id est compendiosa latinam & anglicam, aliasque lingus & artium etiam fundamenta addiscendi methodus. Una cum ianue latinitatis vestibulo. Authore cl. viro J. A. Comenio
The gate of languages unlocked, or, a seed-plot of all arts and tongues; containing a ready way to learn the Latine and English tongue. Formerly translated by Tho. Horn; afterwards much corrected and amended by Joh. Robotham; now carefully reviewed, and exactly compared with all former editions, foreign and others, and much enlarged both in the Latine and English. Together with a portall, as also there is newly added the foundation to the Janua
The sixth edition
Slater; London 1643
- latein
- englisch
- Seed-plot of all languages and sciences
- The gate of languages unlocked