Erweiterte Suche

Altman, Barbara K. (Hrsg.);

Carroll, Carleton W. (Hrsg.)

The court reconvenes

Courtly literature across the disciplines. Selected papers from the Ninth Triennial Congress of the International Courtly Literature Society, University of British Columbia, 25-31 July 1998
Boydell & Brewer; Woodbridge 2003

  • englisch


  • Preface
  • Section I. The Court Reconvenes: Plenary Lectures
  • Valeria Bertolucci Pizzorusso, La réception de la littérature courtoise du XIIe au XIVe siècle en Italie: nouvelles propositions.
  • Gerard J. Brault, Literary Uses of Heraldry in the Twelfth and Thirteenth Centuries.
  • Volker Honemann, The Figure of the King in Medieval German Courtly Literature.
  • Linda Paterson, Women, Property, and the Rise of Courtly Love.
  • Peter T. Ricketts, Knowledge as Therapy: A Comparison Between the Confessio Amantis of Gower and the Breviari d'Amor of Matfre Ermengaud.
  • Section II. Courtly Literature Across the Disciplines
  • 1. Ideologies of Love and Courtliness
  • Glynnis M. Cropp, Felony and Courtly Love.
  • Danielle Buschinger, La Chanson des Nibelungen, un monde sans Dieu?
  • Françoise Le Saux, 'Dieus et amors sont d'un acort': The Theology of Love in the Lai de l'Oiselet.
  • Henrike Lähnemann, Didactic Strategies in the Ritterspiegel of Johannes Rothe.
  • Nancy Frelick, "Lacan, Courtly Love and Anamorphosis.
  • 2. Women's voices, Women's Roles
  • Joan Tasker Grimbert, "Songs by Women and Women's Songs: How Useful is the Concept of Register?
  • Wendy Pfeffer, Complaints of Women, Complaints by Women: Can One Tell Them Apart?
  • Karen A. Grossweiner, Implications of the Female Poetic Voice in Le Roman de Flamenca.
  • Leslie Zarker Morgan, Female enfances: At the Intersection of Romance and Epic.
  • 3. Incest and Identity
  • Jutta Eming, Questions on the Theme of Incest in Courtly Love.
  • Carol Harvey, Incest, Identity and Uncourtly Conduct in La Manekine.
  • Joan Brumlik, Incest and Death in Marie de France's Deus Amanz.
  • Yin Liu, Incest and Identity: Family Relationships in Emaré.
  • 4. Poetics
  • Marielle Lignereux, Approche de la notion de contexte en ancien français.
  • Elizabeth Brodovitch and Ineke Hardy, "Tracking the Anagram: Preparing a Phonetic Blueprint of Troubadour Poetry.
  • Evelyne Datta, Variations sur l'espace dans le lai du Chaitivel.
  • Rosemarie Deist, Perceval's Inner Wanderings: Growing Out of Childhood in Chrétien de Troye's Conte du Graal.
  • Nancy Ciccone, To Love or Not to Love.
  • 5. Historical Approaches
  • Rouben Cholakian, Prefigurations of Courtliness in the Bayeux Tapestry.
  • Evelyn Mullally, Did John of Earley Write the Histoire de Guillaume le Maréchal?
  • Rosamund Allen, The Loyal and Disloyal Servants of King John.
  • Michel-André Bossy, The Ins and Outs of Court: Guiraut Riquier's Poetics of Ostracism.
  • Elizabeth H. D. Mazzocco, Eleonora d'Este and the Heroines of Boiardo's Orlando innamorato: Challenging Gender Stereotypes at the Ferrara Court.
  • 6. Adaptations and Transformations
  • Sara Sturm-Maddox, 'E fer en cortoisie retorner li villan': Roland in Persia in the Entrée d'Espagne.
  • Chantal Connochie-Bourgne, Les songes animaliers dans le Lancelot en prose: du serpent, du lion et du léopard.
  • Amanda Hopkins, Bisclavret to Biclarel via Melion and Bisclaret: the Development of a Misogynous Lai.
  • Jane H. M. Taylor, Embodying the Rose: An Intertextual Reading of Alain Chartier's La Belle Dame sans mercy.
  • Alicia de Colombí-Monguió, La Sombra de Petrarca en la Poesia Cancioneril.
  • Cora Dietl, 'Höfische Minne' auf der Meistersängerbühne: Zur Dramatisierung höfischer Liebesromane durch Hans Sachs.
  • Après propos: Walter Blue, Elastic