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Comenius, Johann Amos

Horne, Thomas (Hrsg.);

Robotham, John (Hrsg.)

Janua linguarum reserata

Sive, omnium scientiarum & linguarum seminarium: id est, compendiosa latinam & anglicam, aliasque linguas & artium etiam fundamenta addiscendi methodus. Una cum Ianuae latinitatis vestibulo. Autore cl. viro J.A. Comenio
The gate of languages unlocked. Or, a seed-plot of all arts and tongues. Containing a ready way to learn the Latine and English tongue. Formerly translated by Tho. Horn: afterwards much corrected and amended by Joh. Robotham: now carefully reviewed by W.D. to which is premised a portal. As also, there is now newly added the foundation to the Janua, containing all or the chiefe primitives of the Latine tongue, drawn into sentences, in an alphabeticall order by G. P.
Company of Stationers; London 1664

  • latin
  • english
Parallel titel
  • Seed-plot of all languages and sciences
  • The gate of languages unlocked
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