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Comenius, Johann Amos

Latinae linguae janua reserata

Rerum & linguarum structuram exhibens ordine nativo, (ad leges methodi linguarum novissimae) per Joannem A. Comenium. Adjecto vocum singularum indice etymologico, ex lexico Januali, Varrone, Scaligero, Isidoro, Martinio, aliisque probatis authoribus. Per G. D.
The gate of the latine tongue unlocked. Exhibiting in a natural order the structure of things, and of the latine tongue, (according to the rules of the newest method of tongues.) With an etymological index of the words, gathered out of the Janual lexicon, Varro, Scaliger, Isidore, Martinius, and other classical autors, and alphabetically disposed by W. D.
Clark; London 1656

  • latin
  • english
Parallel titel
  • Seed-plot of all languages and sciences
  • The gate of languages unlocked
Authority Data (Author)

