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Black, Crofton

Pico's Heptaplus and biblical hermeneutics

Brill; Leiden 2006
Reihe: Studies in medieval and Reformation traditions
  • english
Authority Data (Author)


  • Acknowledgements
  • Preface
  • Abbreviations
  • Introduction
  • 1. Pico’s Life and Works
  • 2. The Heptaplus in Outline
  • 3. Exegetical Contexts
  • 4. The First Proem. Traditions of Esotericism
  • 5. The Second Proem. Pico’s Cosmic Model and Exegesis as Anagogy
  • 6. Knowledge, Felicitas and Hermeneutics
  • 7. The Beginning and the End: Bereshit and the Sabbath
  • Appendix to Chapter 7
  • Conclusion
  • Bibliography
  • Index